


A list of Principal Bibliography Cited



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Colas: René Colas. Bibliographie générale du costume et de la mode. 2 vols. Paris, 1912.

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Creese: Mary R. S. Creese, Ladies in the Laboratory [volumes I and II – American and British Women in Science, 1800-1900 and West European Women in Science 1800-1900]. A Survey of their contributions to research. Scarecrow Press. 1998 and 2004.


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ESTC: English Short Title Catalogue –

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Thornton: John L. Thornton. Medical Books, Libraries and Collectors. A study of Bibliography and the Book Trade in Relation to the Medical Sciences. Second edition, revised, London, 1966.

Thornton and Tully: Andrew Hunter, ed. Thornton and Tully’s Scientific Books, Libraries and Collectors. A Study of Bibliography and the Book Trade in Relation to the History of Science. Fourth edition, considerably revised and rewritten. Aldershot, 2000.

Tomash and Williams: Erwin Tomash and Michael R. Williams. The Erwin Tomash library on the history of computing. 3 vols San Francisco 2009.

Tonelli: Giorgio Tonelli. A short title list of subject dictionaries of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as aids to the history of ideas. London, 1971.

Todd: Janet Todd, Dictionary of British and American Women Writers, 1660-1800. London, 1984.

Thieme-Becker: Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. A photographic reprint of the edition of 1907-1950. Zwickau, 1978.

Tufte: Edward Tufte. Envisioning information. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press, 1990.

Twyman: Michael Twyman. Lithography 1800-1850. The techniques of drawing on stone in England and France and their application in works of topography. London, Oxford University Press, 1970.


Vicaire: George Vicaire. Bibliographie Gastronomique. Paris, 1890.

Von Schlosser: Die Kunst- und Wunderkammern der Spätrenaissance, Leipzig, 1908


Waddleton: Norman Waddleton. Waddleton Chronology of Books with Colour Printed Illustrations or Decorations: 15th to 16th century. York, 1979, 5th ed. 1993.

Waller: Hans Sallander. Bibliotheca Walleriana. The Books illustrating the History of Medicine and Science collected by Dr Erik Waller and bequeathed to the Library of the Royal University of Uppsala. Stockholm 1955.

Wallis Mathematics: R.V. and P.J. Wallis. Bibliography of British Mathematics and its Applications 1701–1760. Newcastle, 1986.

Wallis Newton: Peter and Ruth Wallis. Newton and Newtoniana 1672—1975 a Bibliography. Folkestone, 1977.

Wangensteen and Wangensteen: Owen H. Wangensteen and Sarah D. Wangensteen. The Rise of Surgery from empiric craft to scientific discipline. University of Minnesota Press, Third printing. 1981.

Ward and Carozzi: Dederick C Ward and Albert V. Carozzi. Geology emerging: a catalog illustrating the History of Geology (1500-1850) from a Collection in the Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 1984.

Waring: Edward John Waring. Bibliotheca therapeutica. London, 1878.

Warner: Deborah J. Warner. The Sky explored. Celestial cartography 1500-1800. New York and Amsterdam 1979.

Watts: Ruth Watts. Women in Science. A Social and Cultural History, London, 2007.

Wellcome: A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library 5 vols. London 1962-2007.

Wellcome Handlist: A Handlist of trade catalogues and associated literature in the Wellcome Museum of the History of Medicine compiled by Michael Jones and Jean Taylor. London: Science Museum, 1984.

Wellcome Portraits: Renate Burgess. Portraits of Doctors & Scientists in the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine, A Catalogue by Renate Burgess PhD, Keeper of Art Collections. London, 1973

Wheeler Gift: William D. Weaver, editor. Catalogue of the Wheeler gift of Books, Pamphlets and Periodicals in the Library of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 2 vols. New York, 1909.

Wilson: Katharina Wilson. An encyclopaedia of continental women writers, Garland Publishing. 1991.

Wilson: Wendell E. Wilson. The History of Mineral Collecting, 1530-1799, with Notes on Twelve Hundred Early Mineral Collectors. Tucson, the Mineralogical Record, 1994.

Wing: Donald Wing. Short-title Catalogue of Books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America and of English Books printed in other Countries 1641–1700. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 4 vols. New York, 1998.

Women in Technology and Science: Stars, Shells and blueblells: women scientists and pioneers. Dublin, 1997.

Womans Booke, The: Ove Hagelin. The Byrth of mankynde otherwyse named the Womans Book. Embryology, obstetrics, gynaecology, through four centuries. An illustrated and annotated catalogue of rare books in the library of the Swedish Society of Medicine. Stockholm, 1990.

Wood: Casey A. Wood. An introduction to the literature of vertebrate zoology, based chiefly on the titles in the …. Libraries of McGill University,Montreal. London 1931.


Yount: Lisa Yount. A to Z of Women in Science and Math, New York, 2008.


Online Resources

ILAB: Online Reference Works for the Rare Book Trade: 

Aletta Institute for Women’s History:


Biographies of Women Mathematicians:

British Library:

Charlotte M Yonge Fellowship web-site:

Collected Biographies of Women. An Annotated Biography:

Edgar Fahs Smith Collection of Alchemy and Chemistry at Penn Libraries:

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco:

Gerritsen collection online:. –(available via the British Library and affliated libraries)

Getty Research Institute:

Institute of English Studies – LRBS:

MacTutor Mathematics:

National Portrait Gallery:

Reed, Elizabeth.  American Women in science before the Civil War: 

4000 years of Women in Science: 

Science and Society:

Scienza a due Voci:– Le donne nella scienza italiana dal Settecento al Novecento:

Smithsonian Image Gallery:  Dibner

Yale University Medical Portraits and Likenesses Collection:

Wellcome Library:

Women’s History:

Women philosophers:

Women in Astronomy Bibliography, the Wolbach Library, Center for Astrophysics.

Women’s Engineering Society.

Women in Science:


General Online Repositories of Searchable Digitised texts