A CALENDAR 1833 Sunday Figures... [unsigned, with no maker or place of issue, though possibly Birmingham, by Thomas Halliday.]
Bibliography: Cf British Museum collection object C_1922-0407-374.
More details Price: £225.00 -
A COLLECTION OF BIRDS & RIDDLES. York, J. Kendrew, Printer, Colliergate.
[n.d. but ca. 1810-1830.]. 32mo, pp. 16 including wrappers, illustrated with fifteen wood-engravings; clean and bright; stitched as issued in the original yellow printed wrappers; a very good copy. A charming York printed chapbook published by J. Kendrew, containing poems on various birds, interspersed with riddles and illustrated with appealing woodcuts.
Bibliography: Osborne I. 57; Bryant, Dictionary of Riddles, p. 132; Meriton & Dumontet, 731; Gumuchian 1578; Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry, 4774; OCLC locates copies at the Morgan, Bryn Mawr, the British Library, the V & A, the National Library of Scotland, York, Manchester, and Toronto.
More details Price: £150.00 -
A COMPLETE COURSE OF GEOGRAPHY by means of Instructive Games, invented by the Abbé Gaultier. A New Edition, corrected, improved and divided into two parts. The First Part. Containing the game of Simple Geography, for teaching the names and situations of the different countries and places of the earth. The Second Part, containing a Geographical Game, illustrative of Ancient and Modern History. To which is prefixed, A Treatise, or Short Account of the Artificial Sphere. N.B. The following things are necessary for the first game: I. A set of common maps, and another containing merely the Outlines of Kingdoms and Provinces, with the course of rivers, situation of principal towns, islands, mountains &c. II. A set of counters, having the names of kingdoms, provinces, islands, seas, rivers, &c. marked on them; by which the pupils may themselves explain and point out their situation on the map. London: Printed for John Harris, Corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard:
Bibliography: ESTC: N72304 for the first edition of 1792; Moon, 306:(4); Osborne I, 220 for 1829 edition; Roscoe J142B for the second edition of 1795 published by Newberry; Whitehouse, Table Games of Georgian and Victorian Days, pp. 20-21 (citing this edition).
More details Price: £1,500.00 -
A LARGE, FRAMED MANUSCRIPT ‘CALENDRIER PERPÉTUEL’, beautifully and meticulously executed in an elegant calligraphic hand in pencil, ink and wash, and signed ‘Dédié a ses chers Parents, par Emile Pédedieu, Au Collège d’Aire,
More details Price: £985.00 -
A-B-C FÜR ARTIGE KINDER IN SILHUETTEN UND REIMEN Dritte Auflage, Cassel. G. E. Vollmann. [n.d. but ca.
Bibliography: OCLC locates copies at Pennsylvania, Berlin, with a small number of other European locations; Rümann: Die illustrierten deutschen Bücher, 412: 1855.
More details Price: £600.00 -
ACCOUNT OF THE NATIONAL JUBILEE, IN AUGUST, 1814, Including a description of the edifices; the preparations, and exhibitions in the parks. Embellished with a view of the Chinese Pagoda, and the Temple of Concord. Entered at the Stamp-Office. London: Printed by J. Briscoe, Angel-Street, St, Martin’s-le-Grand. Price Six-pence.
Bibliography: OCLC locates copies at Columbia, the National Library of Ireland, and the British Library (seemingly without plate), with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Mcgill and Winterthur (without plate) holding the ‘New and Improved edition’.
More details Price: £1,800.00 -
ALDERMAN AKEINSIDE'S 'BIT OF DINNER, AT THE CLUB'! [upper cover: The Club Adventures of Alderman Akeinside]. [colophon:] Published by B & Co London (Wholesale). Protected by Copyright. [n.d. but ca. 1860
Bibliography: OCLC locates only three copies at Massey College, Toronto, Yale British Center for Art, and Harvard, with no copies located on COPAC.
More details Price: £485.00 -
ANATOMY, DESCRIPTIVE AND SURGICAL. The Drawings by H. V. Carter, M.D.... with additional drawings in the second and later editions by Dr. Westmacott. The dissections jointly by the author and Dr. Carter. With an introduction on general anatomy and development, by T. Holmes, M.A.... A New American from the Fifth and Enlarged English Edition. With four hundred and sixty-two engravings on wood. Philadelphia, Henry C. Lea.
Bibliography: Garrison-Morton 418 (first edition); Heirs for Hippocrates 1914 and 1915.
More details Price: £850.00 -
ARITHMETIC MADE EASY For the Book-Case of Instruction and Delight. London, Printed and Sold by John Marshall, No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard in Watling Street. [n.d. but
Bibliography: Alderson, Miniature libraries for the young (in The private library, Spring 1983), no. 8 and p. 26; Osborne, II: 693; variant issues located at Princeton, Toronto, UCLA and the Morgan.
More details Price: £385.00 -
ASTRONOMICAL DIAGRAMS London: Published by James Reynolds & Sons, 174, Strand. [n.d. but ca. 1846-1881].
More details Price: £1,400.00 -
BEDTIME TALES Illustrations by Ruby Court. [Printed by Rollaprint (Halesowen) Ltd.] [No publisher or date. ca. 1940?].
ca. 1940. 8vo, pp. [28]; each ‘tale’ with an appealing illustrations; a clean copy in stapled original pale green wrappers (printed in black), covers lightly sunned and foxed. A rare and appealing provincial printing, containing short tales for children entitled: The Lady and the Bumble Bee; The Little Donkeys; Squeaky; The Magic Bus; The Church Mouse; Simon’s Toys; The Crystal Fairies; The Dewdrop; The Beech Leaf; The White carnation; Balloon Land; and The Piglet - all with charming illustrations by Ruby Court.
Bibliography: Not located on either OCLC or COPAC.
More details Price: £45.00 -
C. H. BAILEY’S HANDY BOOK OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Sole Proprietor, Tyne Engine Works, Newport, Mon., & Barry Docks. [n.d. but
Bibliography: OCLC locates one copy at the National Maritime Museum.
More details Price: £40.00 -
CAMMELL LAIRD PICTURE PUZZLES. FIND THE CAMEL. Series No. 4. “Cam-Bru-Mac” Reversible Puzzle. Provisionally Protected. 75 Pieces. ‘Casting a Large Ingot’ [Thom. Forman & Sons. Nottingham and London. n.d. but ca. 1920s]. [offered together with:] Series No. 6 “Cam-Bru-Mac” Reversible Puzzle. Provisionally Protected. 75 Pieces. ‘Rolling a Locomotive Tyre’ [Thom. Forman & Sons. Nottingham and London. n.d. but ca. 1920s.] [and offered together with:] Series No. 10... ‘12,000 Ton Armour Bending Press’. [Thom. Forman & Sons. Nottingham and London. n.d. but ca.
More details Price: £400.00 -
CHARMING HANDMADE PARLOUR GAME consisting of nine oval die-cut ‘lace’ cards, upon which have been neatly penned 18 riddles. n.p. but English, and n.d. but ca.
More details Price: £485.00 -
COMMEMORATIVE WHITE METAL MEDALLION Showing the seated figure of Nightingale facing left, reading with border of roses, thistles and shamrocks either side, on the reverse a representation of the specially designed jewelled brooch presented by Queen Victoria to Florence Nightingale as a reward for her work in Crimea with VR in a shield with the words ‘Blessed at the Merciful.
Bibliography: Eimer, British Commemorative Medals, 1493; Brown, British Historic Medals 2668A; Brettauer, Medicina in Nummis, 3709.
More details Price: £325.00 -
[COVER TITLE:] TWELVE SUBJECTS OF THE WATER CURE Newman & Co. London. [n.d. but ca. 1869-
Bibliography: OCLC locates copies at the NYPL, UC Santa Barbara, Yale, North Carolina, the BL and the Wellcome.
More details Price: £425.00 -
EIGHT MONTHS WITH THE WOMEN'S ROYAL AIR FORCE With a Foreword by Air Marshall Sir H. M. Tranchard, K.C.B., D.S.O. Heath Cranton Limited, 6, Fleet Lane, London, E.C. 4. [Reproduced and Printed by the Premier Engraving Co., 35 & 36, Hosier Lane, E.C.1, for Messrs. Heath Cranton, Ltd.]
Bibliography: OCLC locates copies at UCSB, the NYPL, the Hoover Institute, Southern Illinois, Cambridge, the National Library of Wales, the NLS, Oxford, and the BL.
More details Price: £285.00 -
EXAMPLES OF METAL-WORK & JEWELLERY, selected from the Royal and other Collections. Chromo-lithographed by F. Bedford. Drawings on Wood by R. C. Dudley. With an Essay by M. Digby Watt, Architect. London: Published by Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen. 6, Gate-Street, Lincoln’s-Inn Fields.
Bibliography: Friedman, Joan, Colour printing in England 1486-1970, No. 176 (Art Treasures); see also Elizabeth Pergam, The Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition of 1857: entrepreneurs, connoisseurs and the public, Ashgate, 2011.
More details Price: £775.00 -
GEOGRAPHY FOR CHILDREN; or, A Short and easy method of Teaching and Learning Geography: Designed principally for the Use of Schools. Whereby Even Children may in a short Time know the Use of the Terrestrial Globe and Geographical Maps, and all the considerable Countries in the World; their Situations, Boundaries, Extent, Divisions, Islands, Rivers, Lakes, Chief Cities, Government and Religion. Divided into Lessons, in the Form of Question and Answer: with a new general Map of the World, the Spheres, and also, a List of Maps necessary for Children. Translated from the French of Abbé Lenglet Du Fresnoy, and now greatly augmented and improved throughout the Whole. The Twenty-Second edition. To which is prefixed, A Method of learning Geography without a Master, for the use of such grown Persons as have neglected this useful study in their Youth. And a Table of Latitude and Longitude of the remarkable Places mentioned in this Work. Shrewsbury: Printed by Sandford and Maddock,
Bibliography: Osborne I, p. 186 (1805 edition).
More details Price: £425.00 -
GLASGOW POISONING CASE. Unabridged report of the evidence in this extraordinary trial, with all the passionate love letters written by the prisoner to the deceased and numerous illustrations, including portrait of Madeleine Smith. London, George Vickers, Angel Court, Strand.
Bibliography: OCLC cites copies at Chicago, Bryn Mawr, the British Library, the NLS and the Wellcome.
More details Price: £485.00